Diaconate Ministry – Deacon Ronald Ruffin, Chair
This Ministry is comprised of faithful, prudent, experienced and devout men and women of God, whose primary purpose is to assist the Pastor in the spiritual aspects of the church. In the absence of the Pastor they are charged with all responsibilities regarding the church.
Left to right: Deacon Willard A. Durham Jr, Deacon Henry A. Boulding, II, DIT Steve Jones, Deacon Ronald Ruffin, Deacon John Brown.
This Ministry is comprised of faithful, prudent, experienced and devout women of God, whose primary purpose is to assist the Pastor in the spiritual aspects of the church.
Shown Left to Right: Deacon Veda Baber, Deacon Mary Brown, DIT Mary Moye, Deacon Mother Della Hanes, Deacon Juiretha Durham, and DIT Jennifer Jones