On March 7, 1959, forty members of the Bethlehem Baptist Church decided to withdraw their membership in order to form their own fellowship. The founding members were: Ira James Avery, Jr., Lovie M. Avery, Alice Bowers, Charlotte Boyer, Richard E. Boyer, James E. Gelzer, Helen Grimes, Carl Jimerson, Jr., Mary Johnson, Roberta Johnson, Clara Rivers, Mary L. Simpson-Phillips, Leon Williams, Callie Mae Williams, Willie Joe Williams, Carl Avery, Jesse Avery , Sarah Avery, Wade H. Bowers, Elizabeth Boyer, Joseph Boyer, Robert Chatman, Katie Davis, Symerna Dotts, Loman Gelzer, Purnell Gelzer, Carlean Jimerson Sr., Samuel Johnson, Nell Kirkland, Carlisle McFadden, Mae McFadden, Charles Pittman, Sara Pittman, Alverta Pleasant, Carson Simms, Eloise Simms, Calvin Spells, Lottie Stevenson, Laura Strawder, and Roosevelt Williams.
On March 13, 1959 this group of forty individuals and their families met for the first time at Brother William Pittman’s home. During that meeting the fellowship agreed upon the name of Friendship Baptist Church as suggested by Roberta (Lyles) Johnson and temporary officers were appointed to carry on in the name of the Lord.
On March 27, 1959, Reverend William Daniels was selected as Interim Pastor as the group sought a property at 355 South Duke Street to establish their first permanent place of worship. A rally was held to secure the money for the down payment, in the amount of $1500.
On May 1, 1959, the group now known as Friendship Baptist Church purchased the property at 355 South Duke Street for $10,500…terms of $740.00 down and $75.00 per month and payment of taxes.
On May 22, 1959, the church elected its first permanent Pastor and Officers as follows:
Pastor: Reverend William Daniels
Deacons: Loman Gelzer (chairman), Sam Johnson and Robert Chatman
Trustees: William Pittman (chairman), Carson Simms, Willie Williams, Calvin Spells, Elizabeth Boyer (1st woman trustee) and Ira Avery, Jr.,
Church Clerk: Lovie Avery
Music Director: Carl Avery
Usher Board: Carl Jimerson (chairman)
Advisory Council: Wade Bowers (chairman) Mr. Bowers was also asked to set up the Church’s Constitution and By-laws.
On May 29, 1959, the church officers went to the old City Hall to sign papers for the purchase of the building at 355 South Duke Street. During the renovation of the building the church decided to hold worship services at the Crispus Attucks Community Center. The renovations were completed later that year. After seeing the church through the “birthing process”, Reverend Daniels resigned.
In 1961, The Reverend John Pinkard was installed and faithfully served the church until 1963 at which time he resigned.
From 1963-1967, Reverend Leon Williams served as Pastor. During his pastorate, the church joined the Central Baptist Association. In 1967, Reverend Williams resigned and later became the Pastor at Brotherly Love Church.
In 1967, the church moved to 651 East King Street which was formerly the Covenant Moravian Church. During this time, a young local preacher, Reverend Adam Kittrell, was called to be the Pastor of the Friendship Baptist Church. In his tenure Carl Jimerson was appointed as a Deacon of the Friendship Baptist Church. Also under the leadership and spiritual guidance of Reverend Kittrell, Friendship Baptist Church was purchased in the amount of $4,000.00. Reverend Kittrell later resigned to become a Minister in the streets of York. The Reverend W. T. Thompson of Maryland then became the pastor of the Friendship Baptist Church. The church membership increased to 125 people during his tenure. A baptism pool was installed, and the church was redecorated.Reverend David Sweatman served as Pastor until 1979. The church was sandblasted to obtain the finish that we have now.
In 1979, Reverend Paul Lee was called as Pastor. During Reverend Lee’s tenure, a number of new programs were instituted which included: Hospital Ministry, Prison Ministry, Evangelistic Outreach, Bible Study Programs, Officers Training Classes, New Membership Classes and Noon Day Prayer. Pastor Lee later resigned in 1987 to accept the call as Pastor of the Jones Memorial Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pa.
In 1989, Reverend Robert Jamison was called to be our Pastor. During his tenure, renovations were made to the restrooms, kitchen, clerk’s office, choir room, and Pastor’s Study. New programs were started such as; Children’s Church, Women of Excellence and the Praise Team. Reverend Jamison resigned in December of 1996 to unite with the Full Gospel Missionary Baptist Church.
Later in 1997, Reverend Benjamin T. Hailey, Sr. became our Pastor. Under his leadership, our Men & Women Ministries, Noon day Bible study, Youth Bible Study, Personal Growth & Development Class Series and the Family Life Institute were implemented, along with feeding the Homeless and Quick Response Team in aiding Fire Victims. In addition, the Fellowship Hall was renovated. Under Pastor Hailey’s tenure the membership increased to about 300 members causing a need for two services. In 1998 Reverend Hailey ordained Clara Rivers as the first woman minister of the Friendship Baptist Church. In 2000 Reverend Karen House joined, and became a part of the Ministerial Team, and in 2002 she was made the Assistant to Pastor Hailey. Pastor Hailey also licensed the following persons as Ministers in May, 2002: Brian Jones, Harvey Holloway, Jr., Michelle Owens, and Tchernavia Rocker. On August 24, 2003 Roberta I. Johnson was licensed by Pastor Hailey to preach the gospel.
Under Pastor Hailey’s leadership, Henry Boulding, Curtis Rivers, Sidney Howard, Floyd Goff, Ronald Ruffin and George Robinson became Deacons of the Friendship Baptist Church. Almatha Searles and Dorothy Miller were appointed as Deaconess. In September 2003, Pastor Hailey resigned to accept the call to become full time Pastor at The Union Baptist Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Upon his resignation, Rev. Karen House served as the Interim Pastor, serving the church faithfully from September 2003 to September 2004. Under her leadership Ramona Holloway was licensed in November 2003 as a minister.
In September 2004, Pastor Melvin R. Baber was called to serve as our full-time Pastor. Prior to accepting the Pastorate at Friendship, Pastor Baber had served as Pastor at Turner Memorial Baptist Church in Steelton, Pennsylvania for 13 years.
When Pastor Baber came to Friendship, he found a church that was deeply wounded by the departure of many pastors the most recent being Pastor Hailey. The Lord blessed the members of Friendship Baptist Church by sending him to lead and guide us through our healing process. Along our journey together, many souls accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and many former members have rededicated their lives to God and have returned to do the Lord’s work at Friendship Baptist Church.
Pastor Baber has revitalized the church’s involvement in the Community and the Central Baptist Association where he served as Vice Moderator. In 2005, Pastor Baber worked with the church body to develop the much needed position of Youth Pastor. His hard work and commitment to this task was manifested upon the installation of Reverend Karen (House) Hale in December of the same year. In 2006 Reverend Hale left Friendship to relocate to Maryland.
Pastor Baber developed and implemented a Ministerial Education and Training Program. He worked diligently with his Ministers, leading them in the development of their ministry in God’s calling. During his tenure Minister Cissie Lowry and Minister Steve Lowry became part of the Ministerial Ministry. The Ministerial Ministry also gained five Ministers in Training: MIT Janet Ford, MIT David Hale, MIT Wanda Ruffin, MIT Dwight Thomas, and MIT Delaine Simpson. After completing their training, Janet Ford and Wanda Ruffin were licensed as ministers in Friendship Baptist Church.
Minister Wanda Ruffin was appointed as the Youth Director. Under her leadership many young souls have come to know Jesus as their Savior. Minister Roberta Johnson was appointed as the minister of the Hospital Visitation Ministry, and she diligently visits the sick and shut in, and spends valuable time with them for prayer or simply just to sing a song.
Mark Scott and John Brown joined the Deacon Ministry and Leonard Palmer Jr, and Edward Washington were deacons in training. Two ordained Deaconess Veda Baber and Mary Brown became part of the Deaconess Ministry. The Deaconess Ministry gained five Deaconess in training; Margo Richardson, Della Hanes, Candace Robinson, Phyllis Piggee, and Ruth Orr. After completing their training, Candace Robinson and Della Hanes were consecrated as deaconess in Friendship Baptist Church.
The trustee ministry gained five new trustees, Brother Robert Roland, Sister Darlene Freeman, Sister C. Kim Bracey, Sister Kim Hoyle, and Brother Lewis Peaco. The existing ministries were restored and/or restructured for the edifying of the Saints and the development of new believers. The ministry leaders have accepted their responsibility seriously according to what God would have them to do, as this is shown by the way their ministries continue to bless so many people. The entire church family has grown spiritually which is exemplified in our weekly Wednesday night Bible Study Class, averaging 25-30 people. Our Church membership is currently 151 strong and growing.
As we continue to grow and advance in our outreach the church purchased an LCD projector, a new color copier, sound equipment, new chairs for the sanctuary, and remodeled the church’s exterior and interior. In celebration of our 49th anniversary new hymnals were purchased. In May of 2009 we celebrated our 50th Church Anniversary. Several of the former Pastors and former members joined together with us to celebrate this momentous occasion.
Our Pastor, Melvin R. Baber, in May of 2009 was installed as the Moderator of the Central Baptist Association and in October of the same year was made Regional Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Baptist State Convention.
In 2009, we hosted a community wide gathering to celebrate the inauguration of the First African American President of the United States of America, President Barack Obama.
Also in 2009 one of our own, Sister C. Kim Bracey, our church treasurer, was elected Mayor of the City of York. The first African American female ever elected to that position in the city of York. To God be the Glory!
Under Pastor Baber’s leadership the latest and most significant blessing was the purchase of our new church home on October 9, 2009 at 401 East Market Street, formerly the Christian Science Church. This move is a mighty act from God and it was spoken through the Vision given to Pastor Baber for the Friendship Baptist Church.
The dedication of our new church home took place on October 2, 2010.
Pastor Baber gave Friendship the Vision God gave to him. He has helped the body of Friendship Baptist Church to grab hold of the Vision and not focus on getting big or erecting buildings; instead, staying focused on the purposes of the church. He continues to lead the body to grow physically and spiritually under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
By the grace of God Friendship Baptist Church is still on the move; and for this we are very thankful!
On February 4, 2010 Sis. Kim Hoyle and Bro. Louis Peaco were voted in as Trustees of the Friendship Baptist Church. On Wednesday, September 27, 2010 we held the official closing of the Sanctuary of 651 E. King St York, PA. This service was a very emotional service. We had song, scripture, sharing of memories and the final preaching of the Word of God for Friendship Baptist Church in this building.
On Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 2:00 P.M., we marched from 651 E. King St, to our new Church home 401 E. Market St, York, PA. At 3:00 P.M. we dedicated our new Church building. This proved to be a high time in the Lord. The Rev. Dr. W. Braxton Cooley, Sr, Pastor of the First Baptist Church Steelton, PA delivered our Dedicatory sermon.
On January 6, 2011 the Friendship Baptist Church voted to start the process of ordination of Minister Wanda E. Ruffin, and Minister Roberta I. Johnson.
On Sunday, September 11, 2011 A Storm is brewing.
On Sunday, September 11, 2011 Otis Ivery and Jamal Cartwright were voted on to become walking Deacons. Bro. Willard Durham was voted in as a Deacon of the Friendship Baptist Church. Sis. Juiretha Durham and Shelita Brown were voted on to become Deaconess in training.
On Saturday September 15, 2011 a letter was sent to Pastor Baber in an attempt to fire him. Thus a court battle ensued. Thanks to the Rev. Dr. Louis A. Butcher, Jr., Pastor of the Brightside Baptist Church in Lancaster, PA., the Church hired legal counsel from the Law firm Nikolaus & Hohenadel, LLP. Attorney Barbara Reist Dillon and Attorney Ed Browne were our Attorneys of record.
This proved to be some very challenging times in the history of the Friendship family. During these trying times it was nothing but the power of the Holy Ghost that kept the members of Friendship Baptist church together. Several key workings of the Spirit took place:
- Brother Stanley Washington was used mightily by the hand of God by stepping out on faith and stated he would pay the pastor’s salary until this was settled. Brother Stanley was instrumental in setting up meetings first at his house where the members could meet and get updates as well as raise money for our legal defense. Without a doubt the early intervention of Bro. Stanley Washington proved to be instrumental for the laying of the foundation that was built upon.
- The Leadership of Friendship stepped up in spiritual boldness. The Deacon ministry Deacon Floyd Goff Chair, Deacon Willard Durham, Deacon Johnny Brown, Deacon Ronald Ruffin, Deacon Henry Boulding, Deacon in training Otis Ivery and Deacon in training Jamal Cartwright.
- Bro. Stanley Washington and Deacon Willard Durham were instrumental in opening a bank account and watching over God’s money in an exemplary manner. Under their guidance our account became like the woman who had but a little flour in a jar and a little oil. Every time we went to that jar, the Lord kept adding to it.
- The Deaconess ministry stood right with us. Deaconess Mary Brown, President, Mother Almatha Searles, Deaconess First Lady Veda Baber, Deaconess in Training, Jurietha Durham, and Deaconess Della Hanes.
- Countless members found their voices and stood with Holy Ghost boldness.
- The Mime ministry, the Usher Ministry, the Preachers all worked under the power of the Holy Ghost.
- Our Church Clerk, Sis. Carolyn Ray and Sis. Linda Evans set up a mobile office and never missed a beat with announcements, bulletins for Worship, as well as correspondence between members and the legal team.
- Services were held in member’s houses; Deacon and Deaconess Brown, Bro. and Sis. Hayes and Deacon and Deaconess Durham. It was at one of those gatherings when Deacon and Deaconess Brown and Deacon and Deaconess Durham spoke and said “Pastor we need to hear the Word preached.” From that very moment it was like the day of Pentecost. The Church exploded, there was shouting, crying and breakthroughs like never before.
- Sis. Cynthia Hamilton opened her Daycare for us to hold services as well as Bible Study until it was mysteriously shut down.
- The Lord then opened Shiloh Baptist Church (old building) so we could hold services there temporarily.
- Then the Lord used Bro. and Sis. Riley to make connection with her sister Sis. Kim Ziegler who offered Grace Lutheran Church on Jefferson Avenue, York, PA., and allowed us to worship there for almost a year without charging us anything.
The Church never lost hope, but kept trusting and believing that the Lord would work it out. If ever we witnessed the out pouring of the Holy Ghost it was during these trying times. The Lord made it so that no one but Him could get the praise and the glory for what He was about to do and what He was already doing.
On January 18, 2012 at our Annual Family Meeting which was held at the Bethlehem Baptist Church, York PA the outcome of the voting was as follows:
Pastor-Melvin R. Baber
Deacons: Henry Boulding II, Johnny Brown, Ronald Ruffin, Willard Durham, and Deacon Floyd Goff.
Trustees: Geri Jordan, Jennifer Jones, Morris Cox, Clifton Sanders, and Stanley Washington.
Church Treasurer- Della Hanes
Financial Secretary- Linda Evans
Church Clerk-Carolyn Ray
Assistant Church Clerk-Tanya Roland
Advisory Council Chairperson-Pastor Melvin R. Baber
Choir Director-Kelly Varnes-Sierra
On March 25, 2012 Wanda E. Ruffin and Roberta I. Johnson were ordained to the work of the Gospel Ministry by Authority and Order of The Friendship Baptist Church of York, PA. The Reverend Dr. James D. Jackson preached a soul stirring sermon on this special day in the history of the Friendship Family.
On Sunday June 23, 2013 -Deaconess in Training Juiretha Durham was consecrated into the Deaconess Ministry by the Friendship Baptist Church of York, PA, Deacons in Training Otis Ivery and Jamal Cartwright were ordained as Deacons by the Friendship Baptist Church of York. Also, M. Hazel Wansley and Delvon M. Hawkins received their License to preach by the Friendship Baptist Church of York, PA. This service was held at the Grace Lutheran Church 150 Jefferson Avenue York, PA 17403. The Reverend Dr. Louis A. Butcher Jr. and the Brightside Baptist Church was our special guest. Dr. Butcher preached an outstanding sermon on this special day in the history of the Friendship Family.
The Storm is passing over!!
On September 11, 2013 two years to the day that this storm started God has brought it to a close!
Pastor Baber informed the congregation that the ruling of the court by the Honorable Penny Blackwell was as followed:
The Court directs that the Friendship Baptist Church of York keys to be given by the Defendants to the Church Clerk Carolyn Ray, and that the financial records and checkbooks are given by the Defendants to Linda Evans and Della Hanes. The Court finds that Plaintiff, Melvin R. Baber’s employment as the Pastor of the Friendship Baptist Church of York was wrongfully terminated by the Defendants.
Pastor Baber thanked everyone for their prayers and love and adjourned the meeting with prayer.
On Wednesday January 15, 2014 at our Annual Family meeting the following are the results of our voting:
Stanley Washington
Clifton Sanders
Jennifer Jones
Financial Secretary: Linda M. Evans
General Treasure: Deacon Willard A. Durham, Jr.
Appointed Positions:
Deacon Chair: Deacon Floyd Goff
Trustee Chair: Stanley Washington
Church Clerk: Carolyn Ray
Church School Superintendent: Deacon Ronald Ruffin
Advisory Council Chair: Pastor Melvin R. Baber
On Sunday March 2, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. We the Friendship Baptist Church of York, PA Moved back into our building at 401 E. Market St. York, PA 17403. The Reverend Dr. James D. Jackson along with over 160 of the members of the Goodwin Memorial Baptist Church of Harrisburg, PA were our special guest. Dr. Jackson preached an uplifting sermon on this very special day in the history of the Friendship Baptist Church of York, PA. It has been a journey kissed by our Heavenly Father. Two years and six months later we are back home!
On Friday October 17, 2014 the Friendship Baptist Church honored our Pastor Reverend Dr. Melvin R. Baber with a Banquet for his Tenth Pastoral Anniversary. The celebration took place at the Heritage Hills Golf Resort and Conference Center in York, PA. The Reverend Dr. Bernie Manning Pastor of St. Johns Baptist Church, Reading PA was our Banquet Preacher.
On Wednesday January 28, 2015 at our Family Meeting Brothers Charles Crewsaw and William Pinkston were voted in as Trustees for the Friendship Baptist Church of York, PA.
On May 16, 2015 Pastor Baber earned his Doctor of Ministry from the Lancaster Theological Seminary. The Friendship Baptist Church Family packed out the Church of the Apostles in Lancaster to witness their Pastor receives his Doctor degree and be hooded. What an uplifting time we had.
Pastor Baber’s Dissertation “The Hurtful Use Of Derogatory Language By Pastors About LGBTQ People In The Black Missionary Baptist Churches In The Central PA Region” was put in book form and was published. Several people from Friendship Baptist Church and the community and surrounding area purchased a copy and Pastor Baber held a book signing in the social hall of the church.
On Sunday May 17, 2015 the Friendship Family had a graduation Dinner for the Reverend Dr. Melvin R. Baber.
On Sunday August 8, 2015 The Friendship Baptist Family honored our First Lady Baber with a First Lady Day Dinner following the morning service.
On Wednesday October 21, 2015 the Church voted Sis. Arrie Santana as Mother of the Church. Also, the church named Sis. Eula M. Baber, Deaconess Della Hanes, and Minister M. Hazel Wansley as Mothers of the Church.
On Sunday November 29, 2015 the Friendship Baptist Church of York held a Dedication of Church Mother and Mothers of the Church during our morning service. After the service was over a fellowship followed. This proved to be a very special time of sharing for all.
On Wednesday January 20, 2016 two new ministries were voted on an approved.
1) Care and Comfort Ministry
2) Drama Ministry
On Sunday May 22, 2016 the Friendship Baptist Church will celebrate our 57th Church Anniversary at 4:00 P.M. Our guest will be the Jones Memorial Baptist Church, Philadelphia PA, where the Reverend Dr. Paul R. Lee is the Pastor. Pastor Lee will deliver our Anniversary message today. Dr. Lee is one of the former Pastors of the Friendship Baptist Church of York.
We, the Friendship Baptist Church, have so much to be thankful for. We realize that the Lord has kissed us and therefore we are blessed.
The History continues ……..